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appliance repair or buy new

Do you realize the importance of appliances at your home until they break down one good day? Have you ever got your instant hot water heater serviced in the past 5 years? If your answer is no, then it can break down any day in the chilling weather! Now think about all the home appliances that are working day in and day out to make your life easier and increase the quality of life. AC, dryers, washers, refrigerators, HVAC, etc.! What do you do to take care of them? if these lines are making you think then this post is for you!

If your appliances are going on since the time you bought them without any repairs or servicing, it is time to stay alarmed. They can trouble you any day and it could even be today! Do you have a plan B in case your fridge stops working and you are hosting a chilled beer party tonight? Where would you rush for immediate fridge repairs? The idea of this post is not to give you goosebumps but to prepare you for the worst! At Appliance Technician we are a team of appliance technicians who assist in repairing appliances of different brands. Oven repair, stove repair, refrigerator repair, dishwasher repair, dryer repair, washer repair, etc. are a few appliances that we assist in! Being into this business, we have known that home appliance repairs are not always the only solution. Sometimes they need replacement too!

Whenever you buy a new unit, you have high expectations that it will stay with you for a longer duration. This is the reason that you invest in equipment so that they continue to serve you for say the next 10 years! When appliances go for a toss, there is one dilemma that each one of you faces- should the machinery be repaired or replaced? Home appliance repair is one option and buying a new one is another! This post will take a close look at several key factors that go into making an informed decision.


Cost: If you compare the cost of buying a new appliance vs repairing it, the latter is lower. For instance, oven repair expenses would be less than buying a new one. But before you choose to go for an appliance repair service near me, it is important to get an estimate of the repair cost. This is because if the appliance requires extensive upkeep then repair costs might outweigh replacement costs. It is not recommended to choose the option blindly. The choice varies as per the situation at hand. You need to estimate your budget and source before you finalize the decision of replacement.

Easy and quick: If your appliances need repair, you may just call the technician at and they might visit the same day to fix it. If you want to buy a new one, then you need to go through the reviews of products of various brands that are available. You also need to compare the prices available offline and online and may require a quick demo of the functioning! The abundance of choices is there when you have to select new appliances! Repairs are easy and quick to manage. All you need to do is to call appliance repair Ottawa and the professional will carry out fridge repair or any appliance repair service by visiting your location. You get to avail of the services in the comfort of your home!


Safety: With appliances, safety comes first. If you are dealing with older equipment, then no matter how many times you repair it, it might not be safe to use. It might cause injury and thus not a safe deal to invest in! For instance, if you go for fridge repair but it continues to give electrical shock even after repairs then it is better to replace it with a new one. While deciding between repair and replacement, safety is another factor that should be given due importance. You don’t want any of your family members to get hurt while using the appliance on which you saved a few bucks by not choosing the appropriate course of action! The safety and health of your loved ones should not be staked for any reason!

Repair the new, replace the old: Modern-era appliances are not manufactured to go on forever! Unlike good old times, companies manufacture products with a limited life span. For instance, the refrigerator repairs were not required for 20-30 years in the past for old yet gold models, the current models require replacement after 10 years! There are tonnes of products that are manufactured every day! How do you think companies would be able to sell those if they don’t set a clock in the appliances? It might seem to be harsh, but it is true. Everything comes with an expiry date and no matter how much you invest in repairs of these expired products, it won’t bear fruits! You need to study the life cycle of the product

Efficiency: A perfect example to justify efficiency would be the energy-efficient star rated appliances. You have a refrigerator that is 8 years old and you feel it need some repairs and servicing. You might be thinking to hire an appliance technician in Ottawa, but you know that the new models in the market are advanced and can save your electricity bills. This is where you need to do the cost-benefit analysis, in repairing, there will be a one-time outflow that can be recurring if your appliance is nearing the expiry date. For a new appliance, there will be – time investment and corresponding savings every month in the electricity bills. You can discount them at your expected rate of return and calculate which option seems to be beneficial.

Insurance cost: New investment in appliances will increase your insurance cost. There is no such case with an appliance repair service near me! Although as mentioned above, the low maintenance cost and energy-saving would cover these extra insurance costs. The cost won’t be recovered 100% but the improvement in your quality of life with new appliances covers it up! So, you need to be cautious of these auxiliary costs which are tagged along with new appliances. Repairs on the other hand are just one-time charges with no extra cost. Rather repairing is the time to avail of your insurance claim!

Requirement: If the appliance that has gone frizzy is not something that you don’t use very often, you might want to consider repair over replacement. For instance, not many people use the oven frequently. If the oven is used once a month and it is not functioning properly, you might want to consider oven repairs even if it is nearing its expiry date because you are not using it daily. Had it been refrigerator repair or dishwasher repair which you are using continuously then you would prefer replacement if the budget allows. Hence, requirement plays a very important role in deciding the course of action.

The above 7 factors would help you in weighing repairing and replacement when it comes to appliances. They can solve your dilemma and we hope you make the best choice! When it comes to finding home appliance repair near me Ottawa, you can trust We are a dedicated team of appliance technicians available on all days (no holiday for us as appliances can betray you anytime) for almost 12 hours from 7 to 7 to serve you in Ottawa. Below are a few things which we want you to know about our organization and repair industry in normal.

The repair industry has undergone a shift and is now customer concentric

There was a notion in the market that good repairers are not very easy to find and the ones which are good are very costly and rarely available. We are in the appliance repair service industry and we can say that this statement was true maybe 10 years back! Today the competition and the strive for excellence are injected into everyone’s blood. This is what keeps us going and we come up with new plans and strategies to provide you door to door service in less span of time. This means that we are responsive and available for your requests. We can handle oven repair, refrigerator repair, and various home appliance repairs in Ottawa.

You are out of warranty but not out of luck

After the warranty period expires for your product, you are supposed to rely on appliance repairs near me. Repairs are budget-friendly and can restore your appliance in the same position as it was before the repairs. The quality of our service and the range of our prices for appliance repair services in Ottawa are incomparable. Our dedicated team of appliance technicians will assess the requirements and come up with the desired course of action.

What happens if the customer reaches out to us for repairs and our technical evaluation states that it needs replacement?

This is a very common question that must be there in your mind after you were introduced to our business. We would like to emphasize here that our focus is on the problem at hand and to find ways to fix it at the earliest. If the answer is through replacement, then we guide the customers accordingly respecting their time and effort. If repairing is not an efficient solution in the long run then, spending money on temporary fixes is not justified. This is what we believe and follow in our organization.

No matter how expensive your appliances are, they need regular maintenance and service

Do you own a vehicle? If yes, you would know how important it is to get it serviced to sustain its performance. Similar is the case with appliances! You might have invested in state of the art appliances but if they are not maintained properly then they won’t do anything better than local brands. For instance, European appliances are technically masterful and visually stunning! They come with all those features which you can only wonder about! But if they are not serviced regularly, then they will wear and tear before their actual expiry date. Our experienced appliance repair technicians in Ottawa ensure that these appliances are repaired and maintained in the desired manner.


appliance repair

What makes appliances special?

What is your thought when we ask you what makes appliances special? You might say that their utility and the comfort they provide are what make them special. Well, you are right in your own way! But what makes appliances special is their repair and maintenance. We are not saying this because we are into this line of business! We are saying this because the sustainability and innovation around the brand can stay alive only if the product is regularly maintained. For instance, your dishwasher appliance repair might be the best model in the market, but it requires regular check-ups to clean the choked lines!

What makes Appliance Technician unique?

If you want to search for ‘appliance repair near me Ottawa’ then you may bookmark this link or feed our number (613) 701-1800 to give us a quick call. We provide up to one year of warranty on all appliance repair services and free diagnostic if repair is required. We try our best to serve to repair the appliances on the same day and that too at no extra charge! Our aim is to strike a chord with customers by providing them with what they are looking for! We understand that our job doesn’t finish by just repairing, we are here to help you if you encounter any issues later on! Have you heard of a guarantee on repairs? We provide that! Our seasoned and certified professionals leave no stone unturned in providing you with a service that simply exceeds your expectations.

Bonus tip from Appliance technicians Ottawa: Cleaning spills in your appliances immediately can increase the longevity of the appliances. Grime, grease and food particles choke the appliances and shorten the life span. So, no matter, it is your oven repair, fridge repair or stove, make it a habit to clean them on a regular basis. You might notice signs of underperformance of your appliances if they are taking more than the expected time to complete something. For instance, if the clothes are taking longer than 60 minutes to dry then you need to have a dryer repair Ottawa. Notice these early signs so that they can troubleshoot in time.

appliance technician